Image by DALL·E

Let me start this journey off with a disclaimer: Don’t worry. I’m not selling you anything and this site won’t have useless ads plastered all over the place.

What this is:
Acknowledging the brief moments we have in life and the connections we come across. I’ve identified people, places, topics, and beliefs that have impacted me as a man in my twenties and this blog will be a place to explore those ideas. My “Yoruba” heritage would call me to pay respect to my connections (and elders), so that’s what I’m doing. 2019 is the year I challenged myself to get better and work towards refining my eyes that see and ears that hear. All while attempting to lean into the talents God gave me. My freshman year writing professor said something my fall semester that still sticks with me today, “The only way to get better at writing is by writing.” So, if you’re reading this, thank you for joining me on this journey.

If you’ve noticed all the followers and connections people have on social media, our world currently values a high follower count. But how many of those connections actually “value” that person’s life? Do we take a moment and question ourselves by asking, “Who are they actually talking to?” Or better yet, “What are they chasing?”

The difference here is: You care.
And I’m directly talking to you with intention. Not to Facebook, not Twitter followers, and not Instagram. Just you.

Over the past three years, I’ve been on a journey inward in order to get back to an outward path of action. Spending less time on social media and more time with the things that matter. Looking through all this change life has brought at 28, I’m now committed to living my life in a different way.

As Daniel Harkavy explains in his book, “Becoming a Coaching Leader,” life is like a collection of bank accounts. Each has a certain value. A few have large balances, others might have respectable balances, and one or two might be overdrawn. For example, your career might be going great, but your health account is overdrawn—you are eating too much junk food and you are not exercising regularly. Or perhaps you’re in great shape physically, but your marriage has gone flat. You and your spouse have become like strangers living in the same house.

This blog, in which I’m calling the “Direct Deposit,” is about life experiences and paying attention to the accounts that matter. The large, small, and moments of magic found in between. Return here from time to time for new posts or contact me here to stay in touch.